Since my posting 2, Renae Jarman, Manager, Heritage Register and Permits, Heritage Victoria, Department of Transport, Planning & Local Infrastructure, has clarified that the Shot Tower does remain outside of the project area, and that the Performance Requirements approved by the Minister for Planning for the project includes the following (in summary):
- To protect structural integrity of known historic sites and values (CH4)
- To undertake condition assessments of heritage buildings or structures prior to commencement of construction and particularly in the vicinity of the following registered heritage sites, including H0709 Shot Tower, Alexandra Parade, Clifton Hill.
- Undertake vibration monitoring during tunnel construction in proximity to these sites, and monitor their condition during and post‐construction for settlement and structural integrity disturbance as a result of the proposed works. Take remedial action, if required, to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Heritage Victoria.
The Shot Tower therefore must have a condition assessment completed prior to works and be monitored during works.
The full approval is available on-line here: http://www.dtpli.vic.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/229956/Ministers-Approval-Decision-and-Reasons-web2.pdf I thank Renae for this clarification. This is all very reassuring news!