RP CV (1964-2009).
A summary of my professional and business life as an architect and consultant in architectural conservation, projects, teaching practice and community participation.
Richard Peterson is now retired from business, conservation consultancy, community volunteering, activism, and from teaching; but he remains a registered architect, with a deep commitment to exciting contemporary design as an expression of our present culture, within a contextual depth of historic buildings and environments.
Developing a major comprehensive architectural glossary, defining some 40,000 words, in 1,500,000 words.
Submitted a long entry on ‘Schools Architecture in Australia’ and two short entries on ‘H & A Peck’ and ‘Peck & Kemter’ for the Cambridge University Press and University of Melbourne Encyclopaedia of Australian Architecture.
With Logan and Lloyd Shield Prepared and written a five-chapter proposal for a book entitled: Melbourne’s Interiority.
As a son of Melbourne, he is fascinated by the diverse complexity of cities and their suburbs and with the creative interventionist potential of intelligent urban design.
Richard worked in architectural practices, including his own, for 46 years.
His life took a decisive turn in 1982, when he won the first Sir Daryl Lindsay Scholarship for postgraduate study of historic building conservation at the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) in Rome.
He went on to manage his own business as Architect and Conservation Consultant for over 28 years; and he practised architecture over 35 years in a wide variety of building types, including: houses and community buildings in Melbourne, London and Asia. His designs include: a major leisure complex and civic clock tower in the centre of Sunbury, Bacchus Marsh Town Centre refurbishment, conversion of Maffra Court House into a specialised museum, major extension to Edwardian family houses in Kew and Camberwell, and many other domestic projects in Ivanhoe, Templestowe, Richmond, North Carlton, Moonee Ponds, Kerrie and Queenscliff. He has extensive experience of works on site, as architect and for five years, and also as a master-builder company director at Urban Spaces Pty Ltd.
He specialised in building heritage conservation for over 25 years. His conservation projects included nine major municipal heritage studies: for Maroondah City Council (published on the Internet), the former Shire of Bacchus Marsh, the Cities of Bairnsdale, Richmond, Newtown (Geelong, published), Doncaster and Templestowe and Wonga Park (both published) and Tianjin (PR of China, Melbourne's Sister City, published, which won a RAPI award). He has sat on RAIA architectural and PIA property awards juries and appeared as expert witness at Planning Panels, Building Commission, Heritage Victoria and VCAT hearings.
Over 20 years teaching at RMIT University, Richard received three University Teaching Excellence Awards. He lectured there in Architectural Design, Professional Practice, Materials Technology, Architectural History and Building Conservation, and earlier he taught at the University of Melbourne and Victoria University. He developed a short course in Conservation of Old Buildings, the first such technical course available in Victoria, a subject in the Bachelor of Architecture course in Heritage Studies and an entirely inter-active on-line subject with podcasts: Research (Processes) for TAFE students, all at RMIT University.
He devised and delivered a short course in building contract supervision at Tuvalu, South Pacific. He has also taught in Penang, Malaysia and lectured in Tianjin, P R of China. He delivered the on-line academic unit Introduction to Traditional Buildings, in 2010, Deakin University.
Other heritage consultancies included: the first state-wide comparative heritage study of government schools (now published on the Internet) and policy recommendations for Heritage Victoria on alterations to historic buildings, later published. He was the author of conservation guidelines for Manningham, Warrandyte, Yarra and Bairnsdale and over 27 conservation management plans and condition reports, such as for Ballam Park Homestead in Frankston, eight on historic bridges for VicRoads and for the Lo Pan Hang Carpenters’ Guild and Temple in Penang, Malaysia.
Richard was Heritage Advisor at the City of Melbourne, inaugural Heritage Advisor at Maroondah City Council, East Gippsland Shire, Manningham City Council and earlier at the City of Heidelberg.
As a volunteer, for 26 years he was active in various positions at the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and was a board member of the Trust for 21 years.
He has written six books, many specialist reports, many articles for professional journals and papers for conferences. Two of his major reports and one book are also published on the Internet and are searchable. His book: Brimstone to Bunyip. Churches of Collingwood, Clifton Hill, and Abbotsford, 1852-1999 received a Victorian Premier’s Award. He has written chapters in two other books and was editor of Space the periodical of the School of Design, RMIT University.
In 2000, he was the subject of the acclaimed SBS film, Ivanhoe 3079, Yuletide, in the television series Australia by Numbers.
His book A Place of Sensuous Resort: St Kilda’s Buildings and their People was published in 2004 in hard copy and as an e-Book on the Internet, a greatly expanded second edition is now published on the Web and he has a third (current) edition completed.
Since his retirement in December 2007, Richard has been busy on a longstanding project to develop a major comprehensive architectural glossary, his personal web site, has submitted a long entry on ‘Schools Architecture in Australia’ and two short entries on particular firms of architects for the Cambridge University Press and University of Melbourne Encyclopaedia of Australian Architecture, a five-chapter proposal for a book entitled Melbourne’s Interiority, with Logan and Lloyd Shield, completed a 5,000 word paper entitled ‘The Australia and the Woolshed: Architecture and Sexual Gaze’ for the La Trobe Journal, and compiled a Feschrift and written a 50,000 word biography of his friend Dr John Slater.
Richard designed and obtained permits for a major re-casting and additions to of his own house and its garden in Ivanhoe, for which he is acting day to day as builder. Supported by Steven Wallis in London and Paul Treadwell in Ivanhoe, this work is proceeding towards completion on site over 2012-15.
Since December 2010, Richard has been an accredited valuer of architectural drawings and a wide range of other artefacts produced by architect's offices, for the Federal Government's Cultural Gifts Program. In 2011, he valued Peter McIntyre's large architectural drawing collection.
In 2011 he published the refereed journal paper: ‘The Australia and the Woolshed: Architecture and Sexual Gaze,’ for Graham Willett and John Arnold, Queen City of the South: Gay and Lesbian Melbourne, La Trobe Journal.
From 2012, his Collingwood book and the second edition of his St Kilda book were published on the Internet and he wrote a short piece on six gay hotels in Collingwood and Abbotsford.
With Bohdan Kuzyk, he is researching the life and work of Alistair Knox for publication as a book, but initially published as ‘Alistair Knox (1912-1986): modernism, environment and the spirit of place,’ in the RMIT Design Archives Journal, in 2014.
During 2014, supported by Graham Ngyuen, Richard’s website, containg key samplings from his working and personal life, was developed and launched, and will continue to grow during 2015.
Also during 2014, Richard was invited to compile and deliver a new 12-hour lecture series Words about Buildings in Melbourne for RMIT University. These lectures are to be developed further for re-presentation in 2015.
December 2014
Professional Experience
Since retirement, Richard remains a registered architect and has:
Adapted his Collingwood book and third edition of his St Kilda book for the Internet.
Written a short piece on six gay hotels in Collingwood and Abbotsford.
Valued Peter McIntyre's architectural drawing collection, for the Federal Government's Cultural Gifts Program.
Delivered and assessed: AIM 707. Introduction to Traditional Buildings,
On-Campus Program 2010, in the School of History Heritage and Society,
Faculty of Arts and Education. Deakin University.
'The Australia and the Woolshed: Architecture and Sexual Gaze,' a paper
for the La Trobe Journal. (Published).br/>
Developing a major comprehensive architectural glossary, defining some
40,000 words, in 1,500,000 words.
With Graham Nguyen, developed a personal web site.
Submitted a long entry on 'Schools' Architecture in Australia' and two short entries for the forthcoming Cambridge University Press and University of Melbourne Encyclopaedia of Australian Architecture.
With Logan and Lloyd Shield Prepared and written a five-chapter proposal for a book entitled: Melbourne's Interiority.
ritten a biography of his friend John Slater, first, second and third editions. With Steven Wallis, designed and documented major re-casting of his home in Ivanhoe, with Daniel Linggod, designed and documented its garden and obtained a planning permit.
28 years in business as an Architect, including 25 years as a Conservation Consultant, including:
10 years as a sole practitioner and then 9 years as director of Richard
Peterson Pty Ltd, a private consultancy practice in contemporary
architecture and architectural conservation, in design and contract
Researching and compiling urban conservation studies, building type
comparative studies, heritage guidelines, conservation management plans, municipal Heritage Advisory Services, heritage reports and publications.
20 years lecturing in architectural design, professional practice, building materials, architectural drawing, architectural history and architectural conservation at RMIT University.
Course development and delivery, face-to-face and on-line in Melbourne
and in the Asia/Pacific region.
Lecturing in architectural conservation at University of Melbourne and
Victoria University of Technology and Charles Sturt University-Murray,
to students in architecture, architectural technology, building, urban
conservation and to municipal planners.
Development and delivery of the Conservation of Old Buildings short
course and in the Heritage Studies subject in the Bachelor of Architecture course for RMIT University.
RAPI Award and three RMIT University Teaching Excellence Awards.
Participation in an exhibition of his contemporary design works.
Written six published books.
Researching and writing history.
Planning the development of a conservation laboratory at RMIT University.
Development of national curriculum subjects and published subject course notes books for Building Design and Technology courses.
Director of Urban Spaces Pty. Ltd. Architects and Builders. Founded in
1979, the company completed architectural design and construction of
many medium scale-building projects of high design quality; as Architects, to project value $2 million and as builders to project value $400,000. Projects included: houses, community, health, commercial and conservation works.
Private practice in North Carlton, including: domestic additions, renovations and restoration in Melbourne's inner suburbs.
Deputy Building Surveyor at the City of Melbourne, managing building
surveyors and processing building permits, preparing reports to Council, serving notices, demolition permits, processing Building Control modifications, preparing Joint Reports with the Chief Fire Officer, for half the City.
Project architect with Douglas A Reed and Associates, Chartered
Architects, in London. Responsible for two large contracts over five years from brief to practical completion, for the British Home Office government department.
He entered the Melbourne City Square Competition with Michael Stuart,
Architect from London.
Architect with Max May, Architect. This is a small energetic innovative
practice, directly sub-contracting as builders, with industrial and residential clients like Merchant Builders Pty Ltd and Pancake Parlours, on retail, offices and town houses.
Peter Burrowes, Architect
Architect with Clarke, Hopkins and Clarke Pty Ltd Architects. A medium-sized practice with high standards of design and careful site supervision, assisting all aspects of domestic, retail, educational, commercial, industrial and institutional projects.
Architectural draftsman for A.V. Jennings Industries (Australia) Ltd in the Housing Research and Development. Liaising with building surveyors on building permit applications, testing house prototypes, preparing appeals to the UBR referees, research and negotiation for amendments to building regulations and liaison with various research bodies.
Howden and McLean, Architects and Engineers
Office assistant, Yuncken Freeman Brothers, Griffiths and Simpson, Architects.
Accredited valuer of architectural drawings and a wide range of other
artefacts produced by architect's offices, for the Federal Government's
Cultural Gifts Program.
Associate Member, Planning Institute of Australia (formerly RAPI). Current.
Registration of Business Name:
Richard Peterson Architect and Conservation Consultant No: 1131324K
Graduate Diploma of Education, University of Melbourne.
Member, Australia ICOMOS.
Certificate, The International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property, Rome (ICCROM).
Member, Australian Institute of Architects (formerly RAIA). No: 8445
Member, Royal Institute of British Architects. No: 041910. Current
Registered Architect, Architects Registration Board of Victoria, No: 12526. Current
Graduated Bachelor of Architecture, The University of Melbourne.
Each year obtained honours in History of Architecture.
Carey Baptist Grammar School, Matriculated.
Awarded Commonwealth University Scholarship.
www.richardpeterson.com.au...... (Incase you couldn't find the website!)
Published Works
In hardcopy:
6 books, 3 reports and 2 brochures.
1 e-book on the internet, 2 reports on the internet, 1 set of notes on the internet, and 3 sets of notes on CD Rom.
Richard Peterson. A Place of Sensuous Resort: St Kilda's Buildings and their People. St Kilda
Historical Society. St Kilda February 2005. Published as a book and as an E-Book on the
Internet. The Second Edition May 2008 was 70% enlarged and is now on-line at http:/
/www.skhs.org.au/SKHSbuildings/buildings.htm and Edition 3 which is up-to-date is
available electronically, on request.
Richard Peterson. Undertake Research for a Building Project. 2006-07.
Entirely on-line course, published on the Internet.
Richard Peterson, Editor. John. An informal Feschrift in Honour of John Slater at 75. 2002.
Small run spirax-bound book.
Richard Peterson. Architectural Documentation Handbook. A Student Learning Resource.
RMIT University. Melbourne 1999. Revised: 2000, 2002 and 2007. Published book.
Richard Peterson. Drawing Office Practice 1,2 & 3. Edition 12. RMIT University.
Melbourne 2000-05. Lecture notes. Published on 2 CD Roms.
Richard Peterson. Architectural History. 1 & 2. Edition 12. RMIT University. Melbourne
2000-05. Lecture notes. Published on CD Rom.
Richard Peterson. Maroondah City Council Heritage Stages. Maroondah City Council. 1998-
2002. Published on the Internet.
Richard Peterson, Brimstone to Bunyip. Churches of Collingwood, Clifton Hill & Abbotsford.
1852-1998, Collingwood Historical Society. Melbourne 1999. Published book, soon to be available on the Internet (in 2012-13).
Alexander N & G Rushman, eds, Tianjin Urban Heritage Conservation Strategy. Australian
Institute of Urban Studies. Victorian Division Incorporated. PIA. Melbourne 1994. 2 Vols.
Various chapters. Published report, incorporating:
Lewis, M B, S Balderstone & R Peterson. 'A Typology of Architectural Style,' in Tianjin
Urban Heritage Conservation Strategy, eds N Alexander & G Rushman. Australian
Institute of Urban Studies, Melbourne: pp.42-63 (1994).
Caring for Historic Buildings. Guidelines for Alterations and Additions to Historic Buildings.
Historic Buildings Council. Melbourne 1993. Published book.
Context Pty. Ltd., Richard Peterson, Brian Stafford & Carlotta Kellaway. City of Newtown
Urban Conservation Study. City of Newtown. Geelong 1991. 4 Vols. Published report.
City of Doncaster & Templestowe. Urban Conservation Study. With Context Pty.Ltd. & Brian
Stafford. For the City of Doncaster and Templestowe. Doncaster 1990. Published report.
Survey of Historic Government Schools in Victoria. Ministry of Housing & Construction, Historic Buildings Branch. 8 Vols (1988-1993). Partly published on the HERMES site, on the internet.
Paint Colours for Historic Courthouses. Ministry of Housing & Construction Victoria, Melbourne 1989. Published brochure. www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/__data/assets/.../
Paint Colours for Historic Schools. Ministry of Housing & Construction Victoria, Melbourne 1989. Published brochure.
Richard Peterson. Fences and Gates c.1840-1925. National Trust Technical Bulletin 8.1. A
Guide to Identification, Conservation and Restoration of Historic Fences and Gates c.1840-1925.
National Trust of Australia (Victoria). Melbourne. December 1988. Published book.
28 years later in 2010, this book was is still an incorporated document by Yarra City Council, Mossman City Council, Heritage NSW, Environment SA and Heritage Victoria, and apparently Boroondara City Council.
Chapters and articles in published works, unpublished works and periodicals edited
A short piece on six gay hotels in Collingwood and Abbotsford.
Richard Peterson, 'The Australia and the Woolshed: Architecture and Sexual Gaze,' a paper for Graham Willett and John Arnold, Queen City of the South: Gay and Lesbian Melbourne, La Trobe Journal, No 87, May 2011, pp 32-43 [5,000 words].
A long entry on 'Schools' Architecture in Australia' of 2,000 words and two short entries of 500 words on the architectural firms: 'H & A Peck' and 'Peck & Kemter,' for Philip Goad and Julie Willis, Eds, Encyclopaedia of Australian Architecture, Cambridge University Press and University of Melbourne, Melbourne 2011.
      The Encyclopaedia has 650,000 words, 227 authors, 525 images and 1007 entries.
      200 have been pre-sold to the USA.
Richard Peterson, 'Dr John Slater, a Biography,' 16,000 words. First, Second and Third editions.
Richard Peterson, with Logan Shield and Lloyd Shield Melbourne's Interiority, proposal
for a pictorial book, five-chapters, Introduction, Glossary and Index are completed as a
Richard Peterson, Glossary. Terms with meaning for architects in describing architecture,
design, spatial and physical, objects and concepts, in practice and reflective discourse,
2007-12. (Unpublished).
Editor. Space. A quarterly periodical of the School of Design TAFE, RMIT University. 2005.
Richard Peterson. 'Fences,' 'Gates and Gate Lodges' and 'Beryl Mann'. Three entries
in Richard Aitken & Michael Looker, Eds. The Oxford Companion to Australian Gardens.
Oxford University Press. South Melbourne. Published. 2002. Pp. 210, 255, 256 & 398.
A chapter in: Slab Hut to Red Brick. Ivanhoe Primary School (1853-2003). History and Community. Published 2004.
A chapter in: Peter Fogarty, The Screening of St Kilda: A History of St Kilda's Cinemas. Published 2004.
Richard Peterson. "Heritage Conservation Explained." (2000). Being prepared for
Internet publication by the National Trust with one extract to be published in June 2004
Trust News./br/>
Richard Peterson. Guest editor: National Trust News. June 1999. Special Issue.
Richard Peterson. Conservation of Old Buildings. Seminar. RMIT University. Melbourne 1998.
"Richard Peterson on the Trust - Here we do it all." (Interview). Trust News. December 1997.
Richard Peterson. "Churches of the Heidelberg District: An Architectural History."
Heidelberg Historian. No.182, October 1997. Part 1; No.183, December 1997. Part 2;
No184. February 1998. Part 3.
Built. The Magazine of the Department of Built Environment. RMIT University.
Melbourne. December 1997, Editor: Richard Peterson.
Richard Peterson, 'The Fountainhead, 1949, USA, 114 mins,' CTEQ. Annotations on Film, 1/96, pp 32 and 33, (review).
Richard Peterson, Excursion to Europe 1994. Guidebook. RMIT University, Melbourne1994, pp 180.
Richard Peterson. "Museum Of Modern Art at Heide". Architect, Melbourne. November/December 1993. P.12.
Richard Peterson. "Persistence of the Past: Late Stylism in Tianjin". Architect. RAIA. Melbourne. October 1992. Pp. 9 & 10.
Richard Peterson. "The Bairnsdale Court House and the Town of Bairnsdale Urban
Conservation Study". Gippsland Heritage Journal. No.12. Bairnsdale. June 1992. Pp. 9-18.
Richard Peterson. "The Wall Street of Tianjin", Asia Australasia. Society of Architectural
Historians Australia and New Zealand Conference Papers. Deakin University. Geelong 1992.
Richard Peterson. "Architectonica Erotica. A Tour of Recent Buildings in Melbourne", for Outhouse. (1992, unpublished).
"Phoenix Rising". Betsy Walter & Jean Wright. Australian Style. Weldon. Sydney 1991. Pp. 182-187.
Richard Peterson. Book review: R. Dapperly, R. Irving, and P. Reynolds. "A Pictorial
Guide to Identifying Australian Architecture". Trust News. Melbourne. December 1990.
Richard Peterson. "The Architecture of Pubs". Outhouse 2. Melbourne 1989. Pp.6 & 7. "Old Bakery in Inner Melbourne". Architect Designed Housing. Melbourne. 1988. Pp. 72 & 73.
Peter Middleton. "Houses '88 Prologue" and “Richard Peterson. Country House, Victoria". Architecture Australia. Sydney. May 1988. Pp. 56-59.
Style by Sheridan 1987/88. Pp. 6, 7, 30, 34 & 37. Promotional material.
Architect. Awards 1986. Special Issue. RAIA. Melbourne. August 1986. Pp. 4 & 18.
Richard Peterson. "Making Ourselves at Home in Australia". The Herald. Melbourne. August 13, 1985. P. 23. Review of Robert Irving, compiler. The History and Design of the Australian House. Oxford University Press. Melbourne 1985.
Richard Peterson. "Ferrara: 600 Years of Urban Conservation History". Space. Melbourne. June 1983. Pp. 19-21.
Richard Peterson. "ICCROM and its International Architectural Conservation Course". June 1983. (Unpublished).
Richard Peterson. "Roma Ancora, Six Months Living in Rome Studying Architectural Conservation". Trust News. Melbourne. December 1982. Pp.12 & 13.
Editor. Gaze. Issue One. London 1976.
Municipal Heritage Studies
Maroondah City Council Heritage Identification Study (1998) and Maroondah City Council Heritage Study. Stages 1 & 2 (1999-2002). Presently being implemented as planning controls. Published on the Internet. Retained since by Maroondah City Council as Heritage Advisor (1998-2006).1
Wonga Park Heritage Study with Chris Johnston, Context Pty Ltd.
Shire of Bacchus Marsh Heritage Study. 3 Vols (1993-95).
Survey of Historic Government Schools in Victoria. Ministry of Housing & Construction, Historic Buildings Branch. 8 Vols (1988-1993). The 700 data sheets in this report are being placed in the Hermes internet data base and on other government web sites (but not their supporting documents, including historic architectural drawings and photographs and contemporary my photographs).
City of Richmond Urban Conservation Study. Review of Certain Buildings (1992).
Tianjin Urban Conservation Heritage Strategy Project: Jie Fang Bei Road Area Case Study. Conservation Technology Recommendations. Tourist Potential Recommendations (1991-96). Project leader for the Jie Fang Bei Study. Published and awarded.
City of Doncaster & Templestowe. Urban Conservation Study. With Context Pty. Ltd. & Brian Stafford (1990). Published and implemented as planning controls. Retained since by Manningham City Council as Heritage Advisor (1990-2004). Now published on the Internet.2
City of Newtown. Urban Conservation Study. Stages 1, 2 & 3, 6 Vols. With Context Pty.Ltd. & Brian Stafford (1989-90, 1996-97). Implemented as planning controls by the City of Greater Geelong. Published and implemented as planning controls.
Town of Bairnsdale. Urban Conservation Study. 3 Vols(1989). Implemented as planning controls. Retained since by East Gippsland Shire Council as Heritage Advisor (1989-06).
1 directories.maroondah.vic.gov.au
2 vhd.heritage.vic.gov.au
Major Conservation Reports
Hinnomunjie Bridge Conservation Management Plan , Conservation Management Plan. For East Gippsland Shire (2005-06).
Murrindal Bridge Conservation Management Plan , Conservation Management Plan. For East Gippsland Shire (2005-06).
Shelford Bridge Conservation Management Plan , Shelford-Bannockburn Road, Leigh River, Shelford. Conservation Management Plan. For Golden Plains Shire (2004).
Winchelsea Bridge Conservation Management Plan , Princes Highway West, Barwon River, Winchelsea. Conservation Management Plan. For VicRoads Geelong (2004).
Fergusons Bridge Conservation Management Plan, Bendigo-Murchison Road, Creek View. Conservation Management Plan. For VicRoads Bendigo (2003).
Batesford Bridge Conservation Management Plan, Ballarat Road, Moorabool River, Batesford. Conservation Management Plan. For VicRoads Geelong (2003).
Fyansford Bridge Conservation Management Plan, Hamilton Highway, Moorabool River, Fyansford. Conservation Management Plan. For VicRoads Geelong (2003).
McMillans Bridge Conservation Management Plan, Rokewood-Skipton Road, Mt Misery Creek, Rokewood. Conservation Management Plan. For VicRoads Geelong (2003).
343 Maroondah Highway, Croydon North. Conservation Management Plan. For Maroondah City Council (2003).
Warrandyte Urban Conservation Guidelines. For City of Doncaster & Templestowe. (1991-2). Published. Revised and expanded (2002).
Manningham City Council Heritage Guidelines. For Manningham City Council (2002)./br/>
Yarra City Council Heritage Guidelines. Published on the Internet (2001).
Lo Pan Hang Carpenters' Guild & Temple, Penang, Malaysia. Conservation Analysis & Plan. For RMIT University and the Penang Heritage Trust (1996).
City of Bairnsdale. Urban Conservation Guidelines (1992).
Policy Recommendations for Alterations to Historic Buildings. For Historic Buildings Council and the Ministry of Housing & Construction Historic Buildings Branch (1990). Published.
Ballam Park. Conservation Analysis, Conservation Policy & Plan. 2 Vols. For City of Frankston (1989-90).
Survey of Historic Government Schools in Victoria. Ministry of Housing & Construction, Historic Buildings Branch. 8 Vols (1988-1993). Partly published on the HERMES site, on the internet.
Historic Renders, Plasters and Stucco. International Architectural Conservation Course, ICCROM, Rome. Unpublished thesis (1982).
Two Historic Houses in Heidelberg: Banyule and Charterisville. History of Architecture Essay. School of Architecture and Building (1967).